Thursday, March 31, 2016

Chippies !!!

Did you know that the male southern cassowary hatches the chicks? He is then responsible for all of the childcare while the mother is out looking for another mate.

The babies and juveniles are an uninspiring brown colour but the adults are very colourful.

Baby southern cassowary

Adult southern cassowary

If you are very lucky you might see a cassowary wandering around the rainforest.

And if you are wandering around the rainforest, coconut chips are the ideal healthy snack. Cairns Coconut Museum has jt's coconut essence coconut chips which are delicious.  They're also great for school lunch boxes.

Coconut chips from Cairns Coconut museum are $2.50 per pack. For free delivery in the Cairns region, just order a minimum of 10 items from our range of fabulous coconut products.

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